• Could your lifestyle be making you sick?

    What is your lifestyle? Not whether you are married or where you live, but rather, how are you choosing to live your life? What choices are you making to keep yourself and your family healthy and well? It is startling to learn that some of the most prevalent causes of illness, disease, and death - including

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  • Diabetes and Obesity

    Like Scylla and Charybdis, the twin sea monsters of Greek mythology, diabetes and obesity are the twin medical monsters confronting America's children. Diabetes and obesity have even been featured as the story line in a recent episode of Law & Order, a show well-known for focusing on issues that matter.

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  • Fate Or Choice

    We all know some people who get sick all the time. They're just getting over one thing when here comes the next round of illness. We also know people who just seem to be full of energy. Those people never get sick or so it seems. What are the key differences between these North and South Poles of health?

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  • Health Care Breakthroughs - Hope or Hype?

    Health care breakthroughs are big business. We know this because such news is reported in the Business Section of newspapers and magazines. Discussions relate primarily to the potential impact on the company's share price and revenues. Possible benefits to patients are a secondary concern compared to

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  • Let the Flu Go Around You

    Since mid-Fall TV commercials have been trumpeting the horrors of the "flu season". "It's never too soon to begin fighting this year's bug" they blare. Public health announcements urge us to get our "yearly flu shot", as if this is something we've got permanently scheduled in our Blackberries. All the

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  • Lowering the Risk Factors of Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease

    We're in the middle of several deadly epidemics in the United States. Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are affecting more and more people every year. Recent statistics show that two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Thirty percent of American children are obese. Approximately 21 million

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  • Managing Your Symptoms

    Most of us are procrastinators. We let things go until the last minute. Papers, magazines, and books pile up on the desk until the process of finding what we're looking for resembles an archeological dig. Our garages look like our desks. Stuff fills the garage just like stuff covers the desk. Eventually,

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  • Ups and Downs

    Is it possible that ups and downs with respect to our health and well-being are yet another reflection of the ebb and flow of all things? Aren't ups and downs part of the natural process of life? If ups and downs are natural, should you really be concerned with the downs? Isn't disease merely the normal

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  • Trigger Points and Pain

    Trigger points are persistent, localized muscle spasms that can cause a great deal of pain. Trigger points alone may be responsible for many cases of neck pain, upper back pain, and lower back pain. This relationship is fairly common knowledge among physicians who treat pain, including chiropractors,

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  • 21st Century Stress

    This is turning out to be a pretty tough century. Or at least so far. The recent earthquake-like shocks in the economy have impacted everyone, and most people's stress levels are sky-high.Jobs have been lost, retirement savings have shrunk drastically, and energy prices are rising again. Economic stress

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  • Chiropractic and Reducing Stress

    We certainly live in stressful times. It's not easy to assess whether our era is the most stressful, but we do have plenty of daily stress. The job, the home, the kids, the relatives, and the economy - all these stresses add up and yet we wonder why we have so many aches and pains. So many ailments

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  • The Inner Game of Health

    Way back in the 1960s, when everything was brand-new, the Beatles introduced Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to national television audiences in American and the UK. The Maharishi came to the West with the Beatles to introduce a new thing - Transcendental Meditation.At the time most Westerners were not familiar

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  • The Stress of Life

    "The Stress of Life" is a perennial bestseller by Hans Selye, written in 1956. Selye almost single-handedly introduced the notion of stress into the worldwide consciousness. By doing so, Selye changed the way we think about ourselves, our values, and how we conduct our lives. As Selye observed, stress

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  • What's the Problem with Stress?

    We live in stressful times. The economy is tough, global conflicts rage, severe weather events are affecting people in every corner of the globe, and our numerous technological devices don't seem to be making things any easier. Of course, this is nothing new. Every generation thinks theirs is the best

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  • Weight Loss That Stays Lost

    America's weight problems are now so well-known they're even fair game for jokes at the Oscars. "Americans really know how to fill up a seat," jibes Ellen DeGeneres, host of the 2007 Academy Awards. The statistics are alarming. Sixty-five percent of Americans - 130 million in 2001 - are overweight.

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  • Owning Your Health

    Recent discussions in the scientific literature are focusing on monitoring and possibly improving cardiovascular health in children. There's been a lot of conversation and a lot of controversy. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association1 argued that universal screening of children

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "So Glad I found Synaptic! This is the fastest I've ever bounced back from severe back pain."
    Dani St. Jean Baldwinville, MA
  • "Best chiropractor ever!! These guys are amazing. They have done wonders for me. I recommend them to everyone I know"
    -Robin Potter Hicks
  • "I came to Dr Mexico with severe neuropathy of my feet caused by cancer treatment drugs. I was told I had permanent nerve damage and there was nothing they could do except give me Gabapentin oxycodone and morphine sulfate. I've been in this program for about a month-and-a-half now and I just stopped taking the morphine sulfate. My pain level has gone from a 3 while on drugs to a 2 while now only taking oxycodone and Gabapentin and now totally off the morphine sulfate. And I still have a month and a half to go on his treatment looking forward to coming off more drugs."
    -Richard Joseph Donati
  • "Five Stars on Google"
    Matt Durfee
  • "Great friendly people."
    -Michelle Sirois
  • "Can't recommend this practice highly enough. I wasted years on failed PT treatments, xrays, ultrasound and cortisone shots, relying on unhelpful advice from various doctors. I couldn't even get a consistent diagnosis. I finally have a drug-free, healthy approach for living with chronic SI joint problems. I wish I had met Dr. Mexico earlier. It would have saved me years of pain and frustration. And they always work to get you in immediately if you are having problems. I woke up this morning unable to breathe without discomfort, and they got me in today. And I will sleep tonight comfortably because of Dr. Mexico. Don't wait another day if you are experiencing back or joint pain. You deserve to live pain free. I have found tremendous, life-changing relief with this chiropractor. Thank you Dr. Mexico for your consistent focus and effort in healing others."
    -Cathy Hand Cunningham
  • "I have been dealing with LBP for 3+ years now. I have seen many Dr's and specialist for my issue. No one has listened until I saw Dr. Mexico! He was the first to actually look at my MRI results and listen to me, he explained everything in detail and made sure i understood. Its going to take awhile before I'm "fixed" but I have to say I haven't felt this good in years. Thank you Dr. Mexico"
    -Sarah Frediani
  • "I would recommend Todd Mexico, he is very considerate, respectful as well as informative. Willing to research your individual issues and provide relief if possible. He helped me!"
    -Liz Taylor
  • "I called Monday morning in a lot of pain after being up the last four nights in pain. They got me right in and I am feeling so much better! Dr. Mexico is a Miracle worker!"
    -Jody Winters
  • "There is no better. An amazing team. If it were not for Dr. Mexico and his treatment, I would still have chronic pain in my neck and back. Thank you!"
    -Cheryl Jordan-Bobick

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